Since the launch of Somme Battlefields for Peace on 11 November 2022, the solidarity movement has won two trophies.
🏆 The Grand Prix for Committed Brands
Somme Battlefields for Peace has won the Grand Prix for Committed Brands, in the ‘committed territory, committed city’ category. The Grand Prix for Committed Brands is awarded to product and service brands, start-ups, towns and territories that are moving from the status of responsible player to that of contributor to Sustainable Development.

🏆 Regional prize for the Month of the Social Solidarity Economy
The solidarity movement also won the ‘Jury’s Favourite Award’ in the ‘Social Utility’ category of the regional prize for the Month of the Social and Solidarity Economy, and received financial support of €1,000. The prize is designed to reward initiatives that respond to the needs of society: improving the living conditions of excluded and vulnerable groups, combating inequalities (health, social, gender, economic, etc.) and strengthening territorial cohesion.